Down jacket - clothing for strong and stylish

Not so long ago, a sad sight could be seen on the streets of the country. Dressed of the same type and mostly in black, people hurried fussily about their business. Today, the situation has changed dramatically. Clothes, thanks to the efforts and imagination of designers, have acquired new interesting options in cut and color. Now any self-respecting man thoroughly thinks through his image before leaving the house. And, as a rule, every man knows how to manage money rationally.The main trends worth focusing on in the fashionable spring are:- Leather goods.- Military style.- Down jackets are white.- With bright color prints.Business style
Is your style dictated by corporate ethics? Then you should pay attention to the models of the classic cut, devoid of brightness. The best option of choice is through an online store - this will save you from shopping trips, save a lot of time, effort and even money. You need a universal thing, in which you can go to work, go to the theater, and meet company guests at the airport. A suitable option for such a man is a high-quality men's coat in an online store. And for winter frosts, you should buy a men's branded down jacket of an elongated style. An important point should be the length of the down jacket - be sure to cover the floors of the jacket and a strict cut, so as not to make an imbalance in your business style.Down jackets for brutal macho
For tough guys who won't even look in the direction of a cheap down jacket, a direct road to the department of outerwear made of genuine leather. Such a guy has already reached the level where the price of the product does not matter in principle. Your choice is shortened down jackets made of genuine leather. The stitching of such models is hidden inside. Of course, such a thing can cause bewilderment to the views of passers-by, as it creates the impression of light clothing, but this is not always the case, and such guys only like extra attention.Urban romantic
Such guys from childhood and forever remain romantic natures, who, then seek to save the princess from the dragon, then become a test pilot. Guys grow up and become ordinary managers, but the soul does not change. Such men should pay attention to the models of down jackets in the military style: long, instead of buttons, loops, as in dufflecoats, lots of pockets and a fur hood.The most stylish guy are men who, no matter what they do, are dressed stylishly, according to the latest fashion. They are always up to date with fashion novelties and trends. They are able to outshine any woman with their knowledge of style and fashion. On such a guy, you can see both an extravagant striped down jacket and a restrained version in black - it all depends on what is fashionable at the moment.The soul of the company and a witty, funny guy is always in the spotlight, he is always bright and positive and his style in clothes is another confirmation of that. The most desirable clothing for guys of this type is a bright cropped colored down jacket. Such elite winter men's jackets will give warmth, ease of wearing and the right attention from the fair sex.An intellectual and a little creative naturethese are interesting and a little strange, for a simple man in the street, people. They should have harmony in everything. Great aesthetes, for whom it is essential that it be beautiful not only outside, but also inside. Cheap lining or threads out of tune just knock them out of the rut. That is why such guys buy only branded down jackets with a guaranteed high level of quality. They can buy a perfectly executed, warm and comfortable thing that is completely unsuitable for daily wear in a dusty city, for example, a white down jacket. But they don't care much about it.
